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10 Christian Gifts for Guidance

Today we're sharing ten beautiful gifts for Christian women who are in need of guidance. Each piece comes paired with a scripture verse card to cherish or share. Perfect for loved ones, dear friends or even yourself!

You can find an extensive list of Dear Mushka products for every occasion here

The Salt Necklace

The Salt Necklace subtly sparkles right below a collar bone, creating the perfect everyday necklace for anyone. A friendly reminder to keep your conversations full of grace in the same way you might employ salt to a meal, making them palatable and enjoyable!

It comes paired with Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

The Parallel Cuff

The Parallel Cuff is adjustable and made from brass. Two parallel lines follow one another around your wrist, calling to mind the truths in this psalm. When we trust God and keep our path in sync with His, there we meet the greatest joy.

Place this on your right hand and remember where pleasures forevermore lay.
A perfect minimal bracelet for anyone in need of a little guidance and a little arm shine.

It comes with a corresponding scripture card from Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

The Goodness Studs

Shaped like little nails, the Goodness studs are beautiful reminders that we are God's workmanship, created for good works. Let's link arms and walk in them together, Sisters.

Unique and modern everyday earrings, sure to make even your yoga pants feel pulled together (and comfortable enough to sleep in). 

They come paired with a verse card from Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

The Aroma Candle

The Aroma Candle is available in three different scents: Amber, Pine and Pumpkin. The size is perfect for any shelf, side table, or desk and is lovely for burning year-round. As you light it, our prayer is that you would think on your role as the aroma of Christ and bring His sweet scent to those you encounter in your day. 
It would also make a precious hostess gift! 

"For we are the aroma of Christ to Cod among those who are being saved and among those we are perishing" · 2 Corinthians 2:15

The Renew Earrings

The Renew Earrings are playful and fun and stand out a little from the products we normally carry- a perfect example of this verse in Romans.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Sister, do not conform to this world; instead, let God renew your mind and show you His good and perfect will. As you slide these beautiful tassel earrings in (resembling little brooms!) think about your mind being swept and renewed through the The Holy Spirit & God's Word. 

They're a perfect go-to pair of earrings all year long. Cute for beach vacations and paired with warm flannels, alike!

The Kindness Tee

The Kindness Tee is for the girl who knows the right answer is almost always kindness. Let's join together and give it to the world, in Jesus' name.

A perfect closet staple, cute alone or layered under a chambray top on breezy days.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you · Ephesians 4:32

The Guide Necklace

The Guide Necklace mimics an eye as a reminder that God sees us and offers counsel and instruction in our every days. We don't have to go it alone; we have the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit with us, always!

With four color options to choose from, it's a beautiful necklace for anyone! 

It comes paired with a scripture card from Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye upon you.

The Lamentations 3 Print

A ready-to-frame print made for an eternity-focused home. Add it to a gallery wall or let it stand alone, it's beautiful either way. 

But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness · Lamentations 3:21-23

The Priority Ring

In a world of social media and to-do lists constantly calling for your attention, the Priority Rings offer an alternative direction for your hands. Seek first the kingdom of God (His face, desires, word, voice, reign); the rest will fall into place. 

We love the look of stacked rings. Grab a few to wear on one hand or a few different sizes to spread across your fingers! Either way, we pray you look down and remember your true priority.  

Each ring comes paired with Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be provided for you.

The Verb Necklace

For the girl who just doesn't know what to do next, The Verb Necklace offers a list of three actions that are always right: be deeply joyful because of what Jesus has done, be patient as you walk through trials, and pray. Always, always pray. 

A perfect everyday necklace boasting a tiny triangle; wear this three-sided shape and simply keep taking the next right step. You've got this!

It comes with a corresponding scripture card made to keep or share, from Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.