Don’t complicate it, Sisters. Just open up your Bible and read a verse or a chapter. Read the same thing at lunch and then before bed. Think about the words during your day-- sometimes I even write a key word or phrase down on my arm as a reminder! Pray through them and watch God work.
Good Places to Start in you’re Feeling Lost:
Genesis 1
Psalm 1
John 1
Philippians 1
I often open my Bible up to what was preached through at church on Sunday if I’m not sure where to start.
While I’m reading, I keep a Brain Dump post it next to me. When something comes to mind, I jot it down and move along. It’s all there waiting for me when I’m done and I don’t lose focus.
Do NOT use your notes app in your phone for this. You’ll be scrolling Instagram before you’re even aware.
If you’re having a hard time prioritizing studying your Bible, consider praying bits of Psalm 119.
Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
I don’t know about you, but I NEED a light to show me what is right daily and even hourly.
Part of why we try to read God’s words daily and memorize scripture is to strengthen our minds for hardships in this world.
Context is also super important as we learn and understand books of the Bible. Even if all I have time for in a day is reading and comprehending an intro page, it’s time well spent.
If you only have a few minutes to read the word today, don’t let that stop you from jumping in.
When you have a busy weekend ahead, fight for your Bible study time more than ever.
Read one chapter.
Find one thing that chapter teaches you about God. Think on that aspect of His character all day long.
It can start with this prayer:
God, allow me to find more comfort and joy in you than I do my bed, Help me get up in the morning and then wake up my mind and body enough to meet you in this place. Amen.If you want to read your Bible more often, keep it accessible. Mine lives on the kitchen counter so I can read a verse or two in between meal prep and dishes and life.
I underline using different colors when reading a Psalm to make notes of who God is and what we’re supposed to do (or not do) because of it.
This may only take you ten minutes. Perfect when you’re short on time.
It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.