The Stability necklace may appear like a simple everyday necklace, but it certainly makes a statement with its unique design. As you look at it, you’ll know a deeper story lies behind it. I’m praying it starts conversations and allows you an opportunity to share the gospel with others.
This short necklace comes with a much requested verse from Isaiah 33:6, “And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the Lord is his treasure.”
The two pillars in the Stability necklace, a small one hanging from a larger pillar, serves as a reminder that we must cling to the Lord for our stability, salvation, wisdom and knowledge.
Sometimes it feels as if the future is so uncertain. We watch the news and wonder what is happening all over the world or in our own country. May we cling to this verse as we live in a broken world. This promise of God as our Stability was originally given to the Israelites, but it applies to us today.
God, be our salvation and wisdom. We look only to You. Be our greatest treasure!
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