This year, Easter will look different. Instead of gathering with our church families inside buildings, we'll be safe at home watching a service from our couches. We won't be having large egg hunts or hosting all our friends and family for a big meal or dressing to the brim in our finest dresses.
But the reason we celebrate Easter... He is still very much risen. And we can celebrate all the same from within the walls of our homes!
This week on Instagram, @augustcloth and I are going to be sharing ways to make this Easter extra special. A thoughtful menu with Christ as the center, a beautiful tablescape, meaningful baskets and DIYsfor your children, etc.
Join me @dearmushka and pop back over here for all the links!
For Your Table:
1. This tablecloth comes in so many color and length options!
2. I've wanted a set of plate chargers for years; the price was right on these and they look beautiful against our dark wood table
3. Bud vases with baby's breath tucked inside is the perfect addition to your table. Consider dropping one off on your neighbor's porch, too! (Baby's breath dries well so grab some anytime between now and Easter. Snipped branches from outside the morning of are also a great idea.)
4. Candles in the middle of the table signify the light of Christ that we celebrate on Easter morning. You could light simple candles or grab a candelabra like this one to pull out on special occasions all year long. This one comes in multiple metal finishes.
5. Cloth napkins make everything more celebratory. This is an adorable set of 12 for just $14. Go on, let your kids use them, too!
6. My earrings in the tablescape IG videos. The Comfort Earrings-- so lightweight and full of meaning.
What to Wear:
This dress from August Cloth has my name all over it (literally haha). There are so many good ones in her shop and she's shipping in time for Easter!
Grab yourself some jewelry that can be an anthem for this season in your life. Do you need a reminder to rejoice in suffering? To praise Him for caring for you more than wildflowers?
I'm wearing The Daughter Earrings, The Wrapped Necklace, The Believe Bracelet, and The Priority Earrings.
For Easter Baskets:
Children are never to little to begin hearing the Gospel. A stuffed lamb like this one (so soft!) to celebrate the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and a board book about Jesus are perfect treats for Easter morning.
For our older boys, a great book about Jesus and an activity are perfect. These Water Wow pads are our favorite. I'm also going to split this shovel set and give the boys a packet of seeds and some dirt as we celebrate The Creator and New Life!
Resurrection Eggs are something our family loves. Gift them this year and then use them for years to come. The book Benjamin's Box is a great add-on with them.