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What it Means To Do Justice and Walk Humbly

The Essential Necklace has a basic-shaped pendant to remind us to go back to the basics in our every day. May we put it on and do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly. It comes paired with the verse "...And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" from Micah 6:8.

As this verse is an important part of our faith, the hexagonal shape of the Essential Necklace is essential to elementary education and daily life! Let’s talk with our kids too about this. What does it mean to do justice, to love kindness, to walk humbly? Just as this shape is basic, this verse should be basic to our conversations with children, friends and all people.

Sharing Micah 6:8 is a beautiful way to honor our brothers and sisters and fight racism. God uses our specific giftings, community and voice so that we can share and grow and learn together. This verse presents an opportunity to ask what God says about justice and for us to ask how we can be equipped in Jesus’ name. 

Micah was a prophet in a time when Israel and Judah were split. There was a huge contrast between the rich and poor. The Israelites acted like they were obeying God, but God was saying, “You have missed it!” Micah prophesied and called King Hezekiah out. Ultimately the king repented and turned around the whole system. There was a revival and Jerusalem was saved! 

In Micah 6, the Israelites were asking God if they should give up more sacrifices to appease Him. That’s like us today saying, “We’ll go to church every time the doors are open. We’ll tithe more! We’ll start a Bible study!” Those things are good, but they can’t be what we skip to, jumping over God’s plan. Your daily Bible reading and prayer without these actions steps are missing God. 

Let this necklace encourage you to ask God, “How do You want me to do justice today?” Justice isn’t a theory, it’s an action step! 

Love, kindness, mercy, to walk humbly, hands open in repentance and acceptance of our humanity - Lord we need you! Move us forward. Let’s be changed by God and His Word! As a mother of three black sons, I’m so hopeful! Let’s be the church and do this together, in Jesus’ name.

To learn more, watch our daily Instagram stories where we share insights into this important conversation.